What’s Up With Natural Curiosity?

[Have you checked in recently with our podcast partner, Steve Shepard? He's been a busy boy of late, presently a variety of new material that have in common that they bring you new and delightful places to explore. Make yourself a regular by subscribing. These podcasts are great to listen to in the car. I'll... Continue Reading →

Why Sharks Matter

Today's encore selection -- from Why Sharks Matter by David Shiffman. Shark biodiversity and biogeography: [The answer is simple ... for the same reason why Silverbacks matter. SB SM]  "According to the latest edition of the field guide Sharks of the World, there are 536 recognized species of sharks. They range in size from the dwarf lanternshark, which could... Continue Reading →

The Language of Birding

The Outside Story By Meghan McCarthy McPhaul The shift begins around the time we turn the clocks ahead, a gradual transition from winter’s steady chorus of chickadees, squawking jays, and crows cawing over the compost pile to – well, more. On an afternoon walk along back roads, I’ll hear an avian uprising and look up... Continue Reading →

It’s Time to Think Seedy

[Thanks to SB Bill (Hinesburg SBs) for having such a warped sense of humor. It's made him a mainstay in The Jungle. SB SM] by Dorothea Tanning By Dorothea Tanning, from a letter written to Muriel Streeter in May 1947 and published in the most recent issue of A Public Space. Tanning was an artist and writer. Streeter was... Continue Reading →

The Total Eclipse of the Sun

[The total eclipse misses Gilead Brook road by about 40 miles. Meanwhile, we're 2500 miles away getting bombarded by Jacaranda blossoms. I think I'll have another cerveza. SB SM] The Outside Story: Coming April 8: A Total Eclipse of the Sun By Michael J. Caduto In the cosmic dance of heavenly bodies, no phenomenon possesses... Continue Reading →

Game Theory

[Game Theory can be very helpful in explaining complex human behavior. Or is it not complex? Are we just dumb beasts, after all? What I'd really like to see if a good game theory explanation for FOMO (fear of missing out). SB SM] This article is excerpted from Geoffrey Engelstein’s book “Achievement Relocked: Loss Aversion... Continue Reading →

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